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Open Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:30pm

Saturdays 9:00am to 4:30pm


We are closed on Sundays and Bank Holidays.


Parking is easy! 

There is free parking in New Road, right next to our shop.

(To make it really easy try to avoid school drop off and pick up times.)

Playhouse Cleaners


Crowthorne Shop


20 Dukes Ride



RG45 6LT


Telephone 01344 778611




Please note - on our shop phone 01344 778611 we have call screening due to the large amount of calls we get from cold callers selling energy interrupting our day.  Calls from withheld or unavailable numbers will be blocked, as the call blocker can't identify who you are.  Please allow your number to be identified before calling and you will get through to us or the answer machine.  We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.  Thank you!


Our dedicated office line is now discontinued. If you have an administration question please email or call the shop to leave a message for a callback.


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